You searched for: “most incisive
incisive (in SIGH siv) (adjective), more incisive, most incisive
1. Relating to someone being quick to understand, to analyze, or to act: The teacher, Mrs. Smart, was quite incisive in her lessons because she was very precise, discerning, and intelligent.
2. Characterized by clear and direct statements: Mr. Straight, the school principal, was very incisive, straightforward, and honest in his comments regarding the questions the teachers raised during the meeting.
3. A reference to a penetrating, clear, and sharp verbal response: Doris made an incisive demand that she didn't want to hear anything from the salesman who came to her door.
Conveying a strong statement.
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This entry is located in the following unit: -cise, -cis, -cide (page 2)